Ace Grant and Passionate House of Change
What is the Afterschool Child Enrichment (ACE) Educational Savings Account program?
The ACE Educational Savings Account program provides qualifying families with a $500 credit that can be used to pay for a variety of enrichment activities that will accelerate learning for students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Which students are eligible to receive ACE funds?
The ACE Educational Savings Account program is available to any student between the ages of 6 and 18 years old whose family income is at or below 300 percent of the federal poverty level. Qualifying children include those who attend any Ohio public or nonpublic school or are home educated by their parents and have been excused from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home instruction
Parents submit an online application including income documentation to the Ohio Department of Education. Check list:
The Ohio Department of Education completes the income verification process and determines program eligibility for all applicants. Website to make account :
Eligible applicant information is shared with Merit International, Inc. Merit International, Inc. will provide eligible families with their savings accounts and a marketplace to purchase allowable services and materials. Once accepted download the Merit App in the Google ap or Apple store.
What is Passionate House of Change doing?
We will provide field trips for the children in our community including the Zoo, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, The Children’s Museum, The Science Center, The Natural History Museum and many more
educational sites. Before our field trips permission slips will be given to our community parents to be
filled out and signed and during field trips lunch will be provided. In between educational trips we also
offer tutoring at the Fleet Library.
If you need help filling out the forms please Contact Mojarai